If your hair is thinning, you’ll want to consider FUE in Toronto first. Losing hair can shatter self-esteem and leave you feeling anxious about your appearance. There are many causes of hair fallout beyond genetics. These causes include scalp injury, medical conditions such as underactive thyroid or immune disorder, hormonal changes, and even emotional factors like stress. Some considerations for balding are temporary and reversible, but androgenic alopecia, known as pattern baldness, is not. The follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplant is the best solution for balding.
Full, abundant hair is often synonymous with youth and beauty. So for many people, hair is a significant part of what makes them feel attractive.
Whether you’re a man or woman facing the loss of your hair, FUE in Toronto is an innovative hair transplant method that solves the limitations of the past. Until recently, transplant options required painful surgery with moderate success rates that inevitably left scars. With today’s medical and technological advancements, hair transplant surgeons can offer a more natural procedure with virtually invisible scarring.
Continue reading to learn why many consider FUE in Toronto to be the best hair transplant method.