
Existing Hair Restoration Treatments

Hair Restoration Treatments

Most hair restoration treatments are used to stop and/or reverse the miniaturization of hair. Most of these hair loss treatments are able only to manage hair loss instead of replacing the hair that has been lost.

A hair transplant is the only permanent solution for hair loss. However, it has its limitations based on the level of hair loss and the available donor grafts.

Therefore, it is very important to have a good hair restoration plan that includes treatments to not only replace hair loss, but to also strengthen the hairs that are left and to stop any further loss.

Hair Restoration Treatments

FUE Hair Transplant

FUE hair transplants involve harvesting follicular grafts from the back of the head that are DHT-resistant and then transplanting them to the bald areas. The transplanted grafts are permanent and will not be susceptible to hair-killing DHT even when they have been moved to a new area.

At the end of the FUE hair transplant procedure, the patient will still have the same amount of hair. It will just be re-distributed around the scalp to cover the areas of hair loss.

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Hair Restoration Treatments Toronto


Minoxidil as a treatment for male pattern baldness was discovered by accident. Minoxidil was being widely used to treat high blood pressure, but it was discovered that one of the drug’s side effects was restoring hair growth in unexpected areas.

Minoxidil is most commonly known as the brand Rogaine. It is applied to the scalp and works by increasing the blood flow to the hair follicles, therefore providing more nourishment to help keep them healthy.

The treatment works to reverse miniaturization and has zero effect on the hormonal process of hair loss. The benefits are temporary, and hair loss will continue if the treatments are stopped.


The benefits of finasteride for hair growth were accidently discovered during the development stages of a drug that could be used to treat enlarged prostate glands.

Finasteride inhibits type II Alpha-5-A reductase, the enzyme that is responsible for converting testosterone into the hair-killing androgen DHT. Reports have shown that hair loss can be reduced by 60% while the drug is being taken, preventing the susceptible follicles from being affected by the DHT and therefore returning to their normal size.

Platelet-rich Plasma

PRP works by using a concentration of your own platelets to stimulate hair growth. The procedure works by injecting a concentration of platelets into the areas of weak and thinning hair and stimulates growth by bringing the damaged follicles back to their best condition.

PRP has over a thousand uses in the body and works to repair damaged cells. For hair loss, the platelets repair the cells of the damaged hair follicles.

This treatment is especially effective in promoting growth while also slowing down loss. PRP is effective for almost all types of hair loss.

Low-level Laser Therapy

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a form of hair restoration that uses lasers to stimulate growth. LLLT has been shown to effectively stimulate hair growth in both males and females with hair loss. It is believed that the main mechanisms involved in the laser hair restoration process are the stimulation of the epidermal stem cells in the follicle and shifting the follicles back into the growth phase.

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The Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic

59 Hayden St Suite 702,
Toronto, ON, M4Y 2P2, Canada

Phone: (647) 351-0061
Fax: (647) 343-0277

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