Often people panic at the sight of their receding hairline. Though hair thinning and hair loss are extremely common problems, no one welcomes the day when the reality of their hair loss sets in. Up to 85% of men and women will report having seen signs of hair loss or balding by the age of 50. Fortunately, various advanced treatment options are available to slow the process of hair loss and recover the receded hairline.
So what causes the hairline to recede? It is believed that the most common cause is the individual genetic predisposition, otherwise known as hereditary baldness, and hormone-related male/female pattern baldness. Stress and lifestyle choices are other common causes of thinning hair, though sometimes these effects are temporary and when nutrition and stress is managed, hair returns. Alopecia, a condition that causes the hair to fall out in patches, as seen in male pattern baldness, develops because of an immune system attack on the hair follicles.