People who visit Dr. Torgerson for hair transplant in Toronto often gain incredible insights when they first come to the clinic. Like many people, they assume that anyone experiencing hair loss or thinning would be a candidate for surgical restoration like an FUE (follicular unit extraction) hair transplant. But the face of Toronto’s hair transplant industry is changing and evolving to include highly customized and diverse options like PRP (platelet-rich plasma therapy). This ensures that people get just the right treatment for them, not a one-size-fits-all transplant. Are you trying to decide between a hair transplant and PRP? This guide will help you choose which one you need.
The truth is, a full FUE hair transplant procedure isn’t the best route for everyone . . . or at least not yet. For some people, PRP is the surgery-free, drug-free way to boost hair growth before they’re ready to opt for a more invasive treatment.
Have you heard what PRP can do? Toronto hair transplant surgeons are using this incredible natural product to accelerate the results of their hair implant procedures and to prevent hair fallout. So which of these leading treatment choices suits you best? Here we’ll outline who makes an excellent candidate for either so you can decide on your next steps.