
If You’re Thinking of a Hair Transplant, Consider These Things

Hair Thinning & Balding

Hair Transplant Treatment

Regardless of age or gender, thinning hair and balding can have a tremendous impact on a person’s self-esteem. As many as 85% of people report that they notice hair loss by the age of 50. For some men, these unwanted changes can begin as early as their 20s. Although there are a number of products available on the market that claim to prevent or reduce hair loss, the reality is that there is very little regulation to ensure the effectiveness or safety of these products, and many are incapable of stopping or reversing the genetic predisposition to balding. Hair transplant surgery, on the other hand, can safely restore your hairline in a visible and permanent way, making it a solution that is both effective and long-lasting.  Before undergoing any procedure, it is important to be informed about what is involved and to select a qualified, experienced surgeon. Contact the Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Torgerson, who will work with you to develop a personalized hair treatment plan that best suits your needs and goals.

If You’re Thinking of a Hair Transplant, Consider These Things - Hair Transplant Treatment Toronto

What Is Hair Transplant Surgery?

For A Long Lasting Solution

Hair transplant surgery is an elective, cosmetic procedure used to restore hair in areas where people experience excessive hair loss. Both men and women who suffer from thinning or balding hair can undergo hair transplant surgery to restore their hairline and their confidence. This procedure has recently gained popularity due to the prevalence of hair loss, the value placed on hair in our society, and significant improvements in surgical hair-restoration techniques. Nothing beats the look and feel of your own real hair. Dr. Torgerson uses the NeoGraft follicular unit extraction (FUE) method, which is an innovative, safe, and effective hair transplantation technique that provides more natural-looking results than ever before possible.

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How does It Work?

Hair Loss Treatment

During the NeoGraft FUE transplant surgery, our hair transplant professionals gently move healthy hair follicles from a donor area at the back or side of the head to the balding area, taking great care to ensure that the donor hair is not damaged. The follicles from the donor site are individually grafted into the scalp, a technique that requires extreme precision and care to mimic natural angles and growth patterns. The grafts are skillfully replanted in a way that restores your natural hairline, providing results that are consistent and inconspicuous.

The procedure itself is virtually painless because it is performed under a local anaesthetic. Unlike hair transplant techniques of the past, FUE requires little downtime and does not leave a linear scar at the donor site. It does, however, require patience, as it may take 9 to 12 months to see the full results due to the natural stages of hair growth. As well, more than one session is often recommended to ensure optimal results. Fortunately, once hair has been transplanted using this method, the results are permanent.

Is It Right For Me?

Hair Loss Treatment

Before scheduling your hair transplant surgery, Dr. Torgerson will meet with you to determine whether you are a suitable candidate. If you are, he will establish a personalized treatment plan. To ensure the success of the procedure, it is important that patients are in good overall health. Your hair type and texture as well as the density and overall size of the potential donor area are crucial factors that will be assessed during your initial consultation. Ideal candidates have normal to thick hair remaining on the back or sides of the head.

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The Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic

59 Hayden St Suite 702,
Toronto, ON, M4Y 2P2, Canada

Phone: (647) 351-0061
Fax: (647) 343-0277

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(647) 930-0307

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