
Why Have A Hair Transplant?

Male Hair Loss

Male hair loss has been a big issue dating back to some of our first recorded history. Obviously, some men don’t appear too concerned about their hair vanishing, and some men who have a full head of hair will shave it off out of convenience. They may shave to save time or because they like the look of a bald head. However, research has shown that the majority of men, when questioned, would prefer to have a full head of hair with no degree of balding.

There have been numerous attempts over the years to relate balding men to being more virile or intelligent, but this, of course, has never been proven. There is definitely nothing to be ashamed of if you are losing hair. The truth is that the majority of men in the world have some degree of hair loss. But if you do have hair loss and want to do something about it, the time is now!

Why Have A Hair Transplant

Effects Of Baldness

The effects of baldness are not limited to just visible appearance. Men who are losing their hair may also experience a blow to their self-esteem. Many men in the world spend hours worrying about their hair loss and how fast they might lose their hair. Baldness can also play a part in their work and social life. So basically, hair loss can cause a man not to enjoy his life to the fullest. This may seem very melodramatic, but I bet if you were to ask a balding man to tell you his honest opinion about his hair loss, you would most likely hear that he is far from happy about the deal.

There are genuine advantages for men with hair compared to men who are bald. As wrong as it may seem, our society in general makes unconscious judgments based on appearance. This includes hair.

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Why Have A Hair Transplant

Hair Loss

However wrong and misinformed it may be, some people may form an opinion that if you suffer from hair loss, you might not be very good at looking after yourself. Obviously, this is pure nonsense, but unfortunately, people do judge others by their appearance whether we agree with it or not. Even though all of this may have an effect on your decision, the choice to have a hair transplant has to be made by you and you alone. If you feel that having a full head of hair may play a role in a certain change that you are looking for in your life, why not speak to us at the Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic about your hair restoration options?

Although very sad and unfair, there is some truth to the fact that most people of both sexes generally want to see a full head of hair. So if any of these issues are affecting your quality of life and you would like to do something positive about it, please contact us. We can discuss a hair restoration plan that is suitable for you.

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The Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic

59 Hayden St Suite 702,
Toronto, ON, M4Y 2P2, Canada

Phone: (647) 351-0061
Fax: (647) 343-0277

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