
5 Things You Need To Know About Hair Transplants

Hair Transplant Treatment

Hair loss can have disastrous effects on a person’s appearance, self-confidence, and even their bank account. Research has shown that patients with a full head of hair tend to be more successful in life, not only with the opposite sex, but also with their careers. This includes higher-than-average income and better promotion possibilities. Keep reading to find out what you need to know about hair transplants.

Hair loss can start in men as early as 15. Almost 20% of men in the world will experience some level of hair loss by the time they are 25 years old. By the age of 35, around 40% of the men in the world are going bald. By 50 years old, 60% of men are losing their hair.

Hair transplantation – either by FUE (follicular unit extraction) or FUT (follicular unit transplantation/strip method) – is the ONLY long-term hair loss solution to restore areas that are bald.

Clinically proven hair loss treatments such as Propecia and Rogaine can stop or slow down hair loss, but they do not grow back new hair in an area that is bald. However, it is important to have a plan that includes either finasteride, minoxidil, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy so that you stop losing hair.

5 Things You Need To Know About Hair Transplants

Before You Get A Hair Transplant

5 Things You Need To Know

Are you a good candidate for a hair transplant?

At the Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic, we want to make sure that you are a good candidate for an FUE hair transplant. This means identifying the cause of your hair loss. Most commonly hair loss is caused by a genetic form of hair loss called androgenetic alopecia. We also need to make sure that you have enough hair in the donor area that can be used to transplant into other areas that have hair loss.

You may need multiple procedures

Most patients find that their hair loss can be restored with one hair transplant, but sadly, that is not the case with all patients, particularly those with severe male pattern baldness. Transplanting more than 2,500 grafts per session is considered a mega-session. If a procedure can be kept to around 2,200 grafts or less, we know that we can expect a 93% to 95% success rate. For patients who need more than 2,000 grafts, 2 sessions or more may be necessary.

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5 Things You Need To Know About Hair Transplants

Before You Get A Hair Transplant (Contd.)

Transplanted hair is permanent

The hair that is transplanted will last the patient the rest of their life. However, this cannot be said about the natural hair around the transplanted hair. If the patient doesn’t take the suggested treatments to slow down hair loss, they run the risk of losing more of their natural hair, but not the transplanted hairs.

Hair loss does tend to slow down or stop as a person ages

No two patients will lose their hair at the same rate. In some patients, hair loss can be very fast. Do you remember that kid in high school who was already going bald? However, that doesn’t mean that his hair loss will continue at the same pace. Hair loss tends to slow down as we get older if we haven’t already lost it all.

If you are going bald, chances are that your family is to blame

The most common form of hair loss is hereditary. It can be passed down through either mom’s or dad’s genes. This form of hair loss is most commonly known as male pattern baldness. The medical term is androgenetic alopecia.

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