Hair transplants will usually transfer between 500 and 2,500 grafts in a single session. If you desire or require a higher number to complete your look, additional, separate procedures may be necessary. A single graft holds between 1 and 4 hairs and costs $5 to $6 per graft. (Note that these prices are subject to change over time.) FUE is a meticulous, labour-intensive procedure. It does generally carry a slightly higher cost than the older, traditional methods, yet the natural-looking, long-lasting results are considered well worth it.
The value of hair transplant before and after
For people who’ve lucked out and are not personally familiar with the devastation of losing hair, it may seem frivolous or difficult to comprehend investing a large sum of money in restoration. However, just like a facial or body issue that makes someone self-conscious, losing your hair — especially at a young age — can cause your confidence to take a hit. Undergoing hair transplantation can have immeasurable benefits for your outlook, whether in your career or personal life.
When someone feels badly about how they look, they may avoid social situations, photos, or pursuing advancement at work. Many men and women are re-entering the dating community again in mid-life and are worried about their thinning or balding making them appear older than they are. From start to finish, hair restoration will require money and time, but within one year you could have your old hairline back and feel like your stylish self again. You’ll notice that the cost of hair transplant pays off within the first year.
At the THTC, we offer medical financing options with reputable companies who help offset the one-time cost of a hair transplant and make the procedure more accessible for regular people who don’t necessarily have the complete payment on hand. We don’t want to see anyone miss out on feeling youthful, attractive, and great about how they look because of finances.