Although many people would say that nothing is more beautiful than a mother-to-be, pregnancy can leave women feeling pretty unattractive. Dealing with mood swings while feeling bloated and swollen all while gaining weight would make anyone not feel 100%! After giving birth to your beautiful child, it can take time for your body to get back to the shape that you are used to. To top all of this off, there’s one more thing that might occur after pregnancy . . . hair loss!
You probably already know that when you are pregnant your hormone levels can go a little crazy. That’s why television commercials can make you cry (even the ones that aren’t sad) and pretty much everyone around you seems annoying. But those changes in your hormone levels can also disrupt your hair’s natural growth and resting balance so that more hairs are in their resting phase while fewer hairs are growing. Increased levels of hormones will keep that hair, at least temporarily giving you a gorgeous, thick head of hair for the duration of your pregnancy.
But around 3 months after giving birth, once you’re finally getting the hang of the new routine, catching up on a little sleep, and starting to feel and look like yourself, you may start noticing some thinning hair. Hair loss after pregnancy occurs because once you give birth, your hormone levels will decrease to their regular pre-pregnancy levels. All of those hairs that were resting will fall out, resulting in thinning hair while you wait for the growth cycle to resume and your new hairs to start growing.