Men and women are seeking cosmetic, surgical, and medical hair loss treatments more than ever before, and the availability of options – both credible and not – are sometimes overwhelming. Androgenic alopecia, hairline receding, balding, and thinning hair can affect a person’s confidence and image. Hair transplant surgery technology has come a long way. At the Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic, hair transplant is one of our most popular options for restoring a full head of hair. Not everyone is a good candidate for this option, however, and some people are seeking something different. A procedure that is gaining popularity among younger men in Toronto is called scalp micropigmentation (SMP).
Otherwise known as hair follicle replication or hair tattooing, this safe, quick, and easy procedure uses micro-follicle tattooing with semi-permanent ink to create the look of a “buzzed” shaved head for people who have lost most of their hair. It can also fill in the scalp for people who have hair but notice that it is thinning. The tiny, realistic-looking hairs create the illusion of dense hair growth or can completely cover a bald head. They appear as stubble, giving the impression that a full head of hair is just beginning to grow back.