Scalp micro pigmentation (SMP) is commonly referred to as a medical hairline tattoo. Some of the aftercare issues associated with tattoos are present after surgery-free SMP, namely fading. It is important, first of all, to determine whether you are experiencing mid-/post-treatment fading, or long-term fading. The former is expected and manageable. Long-term fading is far less common but can be more troublesome. Marketing hype from other practitioners has saddled many potential recipients of SMP with quite a few misconceptions.
It is important to dispel these myths before you seriously consider the suitability (drawbacks and advantages) inherent in this unique non-surgical hair line restoration procedure. A false promise made by many of our competitors is that medical hairline tattoos do not fade. This is simply untrue. Here we will discuss the how and why of fading as well as what can be done to prevent and compensate for such an occurrence.