FUE Mississauga

FUE Mississauga

Are you dealing with balding or thinning hair?

If you are looking for the best options for hair restoration, then the Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic is your best option. We offer the latest and best technology for an FUE Milton. All of our hair transplant patients will have an FUE hair transplant procedure using either the SmartGraft or NeoGraft FUE hair transplant technology.

A hair transplant procedure can be one of the most rewarding procedures for anyone who is dealing with hair loss. The process from start to finish is not only a significant financial investment in yourself, but also a test of your patience. It will take 12 to 15 months before a patient is able to see the final results of the FUE hair transplant surgery, so it is in your best interest to choose the best hair transplant specialists around to treat your hair loss and make sure that the process was worth it; otherwise, your hair transplant can have complications, poor results, and additional cost.

At the Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic, we are able to perform multiple hair transplants every day. We also have a solid reputation because of our results, pre- and post-care of all patients, and especially the experience, knowledge, and artistic vision of Dr. Cory Torgerson.

Fue Mississauga

Dr. Cory Torgerson is a head and neck surgeon registered with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. His expertise and medical background are almost unparalleled in Canada, as he has completed 18 years of post-secondary training, specializing only in head and neck procedures as an elite otolaryngologist and facial surgeon with the designations of MD, PhD, and FRCSC behind his name. These qualifications make Dr. Torgerson an expert in the hair restoration industry because of his vast knowledge and understanding of the entire head as well as his experience in facial cosmetic procedures.

Our entire team at the Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic is very experienced and has undergone extensive training before performing any procedures or tasks related to a hair transplant. Our team of nurses works directly with Dr. Torgerson to make sure that all of our patients are receiving the very best treatment and care. We also do our best at all times to make sure that every single patient has the most comfortable and enjoyable experience with us. From the initial consultation to the final follow-up after 1 year, we make every effort to ensure that our patients are getting the very best that we have to offer and always leave our clinic feeling confident that they have made the right decision by choosing the Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic to perform their FUE hair transplant procedure.

So if you are looking for the best hair restoration options, you will only need to contact the Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic. We will perform an initial assessment at your consultation. All our patients will be given a hair restoration plan that will also include recommendations for treating hair loss at every level.

FUE Hair Transplant Mississauga

What to expect from the Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic

We strive to be the very best in hair restoration, and it shows with our results. We perform several hair transplant procedures and PRP (platelet-rich plasma therapy) treatments every week. Those numbers just continue to grow as word gets out from all our satisfied patients.


Your initial contact will be with Dr. Torgerson and our manager Brian. At your consultation, you will be assessed to determine what type and level of hair loss you have. For most patients, the most common type of hair loss is androgenic alopecia or male/female pattern baldness. Once we determine your type of hair loss and do a brief medical history for you, we will create a hair restoration plan that will suit your personal needs as well as match your budget. The most common treatment is an FUE hair transplant, because that is typically the only way that you can replace the hair that you have lost in areas of baldness.

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Fue Mississauga

FUE Hair Transplant Mississauga

SmartGraft & NeoGraft FUE Technology

We use both SmartGraft and NeoGraft FUE technology for our hair transplants. This technology allows our team to safely extract the grafts with minimal pain and scarring. The procedure itself is very comfortable for our patients, and we have been told time and time again that the day was a breeze. Some patients have even said that it was like a “day at the spa”.

We need to shave an area in the back of the scalp for us to be able to properly harvest the donor grafts from that area. We do have the option for our patients to get a pre-haircut so that they look “normal” after the procedure and after a couple days will appear like they had a haircut and not a hair transplant procedure. The healing time is 7 to 10 days. After Day 5 or so, the only remaining “issue” for most patients is the scabs that remain in the recipient area. Those remaining scabs can be washed off at Day 10. Some patients will also experience swelling in the forehead and around the eyes on Day 3, which will spike and be gone by Day 5.

The waiting is the hardest part for hair transplant patients, because they won’t see any growth starting until the third month. At 6 months, the new hair will be much more noticeable, but it will take a full year before all of the transplanted hairs grow.

SmartGraft FUE Hair Transplant

The day of a SmartGraft procedure

The Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic is now offering the latest FUE hair transplant technology, SmartGraft to our hair restoration patients. SmartGraft is the latest automated harvesting technology available for FUE hair transplants and assists in creating the most minimally invasive and natural-looking hair transplants.

At the Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic, we specialize in all forms of hair restoration, including the top hair restoration treatments, FUE hair transplants and PRP. To make sure that we are always at the top of the hair restoration field, we have added the SmartGraft FUE hair transplant system to our already state-of-the-art hair restoration treatments for men and women that are experiencing any level of hair loss. The SmartGraft FUE technology can automate what is already a minimally invasive procedure and makes it faster and more efficient for the patient and the team at the Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic.

“SmartGraft allows us the ability to harvest follicles in a much faster way while also adding a level of accuracy that is higher than ever before,” says Dr. Torgerson, our hair transplant specialist at the Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic. “The SmartGraft technology allows us to harvest individual follicles without having to make any noticeable incisions and does not leave a linear scar along the back of the head like the ones you would see following an FUT/strip-method hair transplant procedure.”

Using the technologically advanced SmartGraft handpiece, it is possible to harvest and gather donor follicular grafts from the donor area located at the back of the head, where the thickest hair grows and the follicles are not damaged by the DHT hormone that causes the most common type of hair loss, androgenic alopecia (more commonly known as male/female pattern baldness). The SmartGraft device collects, counts, sorts, and safely stores each individual follicular graft in less time and with more accuracy than other comparable FUE methods that are also being used. The patient’s result is a natural hairline without any of the unpleasant scarring, pain, discomfort, or long-term recovery that is associated with traditional follicular unit transaction (FUT)/strip-method hair transplants. Previous FUE methods, including the automated robot technology, require the follicular unit grafts to be removed by hand one at a time. That is obviously a long and tedious process that is now unnecessary.

“We have decided to offer our hair restoration patients the option of using the SmartGraft technology for their hair transplant for a few reasons,” says Dr. Torgerson. “It’s a really simplified procedure that is not only easier for myself to perform, but also my very experienced team, and we are already seeing some really amazing results from our patients that we have used it for. Our patients are also loving the fact that they aren’t left with a noticeable scar, making it a great solution for men and women who prefer to wear their hair short. And I also love that my patients are able to go back to work the next day if they want to. And they can also resume normal physical activities within a week.”

The advanced SmartGraft FUE Mississauga system also allows us the ability of extracting hair from most parts of the body, because the incision is less than 1 mm and therefore leaves no visible scarring. The procedure is also great to restore natural hair growth to not only the balding areas of scalp, but to facial hair too.

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SmartGraft FUE Hair Transplant

The day of a SmartGraft FUE hair transplant procedure

Upon your arrival, you will be asked to change into a surgical gown. You will then be escorted to a clinic room where Dr. Torgerson will design your new hairline and review each step of your procedure once again before getting your approval and moving forward. Pre-op pictures are also taken at this point.

In most cases, a mild sedative and painkiller will be given to you to help you relax. Because of this medication and the duration of the surgery, it is mandatory that you make prior arrangements for a friend or family member to pick you up after the procedure and safely transport you home.

The donor area where the hair will be harvested from is prepped, and a local anaesthetic is used to “freeze” the area. Once your scalp is completely numb, the SmartGraft device is used to gently remove the grafts from this donor site. The SmartGraft technology allows the grafts to immediately be collected, sorted, counted, and stored in a sterile, temperature-controlled, and hydrated environment prior to being transplanted. This makes the graft survival much higher while improving their stability for the best results.

Fue Mississauga

Once we have collected all the grafts, the recipient site is prepped, and local anaesthetic is injected. Sites are then carefully and strategically created where the grafts are to be transplanted. This stage of the hair transplant is very important, because the angle, depth, and placement of each follicular graft will ultimately determine how natural-looking the result will be.

The most common SmartGraft FUE hair transplant procedures can take 10 to 12 hours from start to finish. This, of course, will depend on how many grafts are necessary to achieve the desired result.

A follow-up appointment will be scheduled for 10 days post-op, but most patients will be able to go back to work within the first week and resume full activity, including exercise, after only one week. In most cases, after 7 to 10 days, any evidence of a hair transplant is undetectable by anyone until months later when they start to notice your fuller, natural-looking head of hair.

NeoGraft Technology

The day of a SmartGraft procedure

Most people will start to worry about their overall appearance once they start losing hair. This will, in most cases, have a direct impact on their self-worth. This is a concern that affects both male and female hair-loss sufferers, and it is actually very common. Out of the entire population of the world, almost 85% of the male population and over 60% of the female population have or will experience some form of hair loss.

The NeoGraft technology was introduced less than a decade ago as a handheld device that assists in the harvesting portion of an FUE hair transplant Toronto. This is the part of the procedure where individual follicular grafts are extracted from the donor area on the back of the scalp. The NeoGraft technology harvests these follicles much more quickly and accurately than the former manual techniques, and the best part is that it leaves no visible scarring like the ones left from the previous FUT or strip method of hair transplantation.

One of the most notable benefits of using FUE NeoGraft for hair transplant procedures is that its accuracy assists doctors with harvesting superior follicles, thereby reaching the final goal for the patient — restoring hair loss and creating permanent hair that grows naturally and can be cut or styled at the patient’s discretion. This has the ability to restore confidence and self-esteem. Many individuals have reported that their hair transplant has radically changed their lives and has dramatically improved their self-assurance.

Hair transplant surgery in Toronto, when performed using the NeoGraft system, does not leave scars. In the past and even still to this day, the FUT method would be used, and a strip of scalp would be surgically removed from the back of the head. After leaving the clinic, the patients had to face the further embarrassment of hiding the linear scar from where the strip was taken, so it wouldn’t be apparent that they’d had a hair transplant. Once the area had healed, a scar was still left. Longer hairstyles work to cover up these scars, but a patient who decides to undergo an FUT hair transplant instead of an FUE hair transplant runs the risk of never being able to wear a short hairstyle ever again. An FUE (follicular unit extraction) procedure with NeoGraft not only leaves no visible scarring, but other than some redness and swelling for about a week, the fact that the individual has undergone a hair transplant is nearly unnoticeable.

The expected outcome of a NeoGraft FUE hair transplant when it is done correctly is a result that looks very natural. The hair is implanted according to the patient’s natural hair pattern. The harvested follicular grafts are strategically placed based on how many hairs are in each graft as well. Singles and doubles are used for the fine detail of the frontal hairline, and multiples are used to add density where it is needed.

The best part about the NeoGraft FUE hair transplant procedure, especially for people with advanced hair loss, is that you can have it done multiple times over the course of your life. This is great for younger patients, because they no longer have to wait until they are bald before they can restore their hair using this FUE hair transplant procedure in Toronto. You can start earlier in your hair loss and do some preventative maintenance before things get worse.

What are some examples of when an FUE hair Transplant is the right choice for you?

  1. If you are a male and have balding in the crown area of your head.
  2. If you are a female and are experiencing hair loss in the part of your hair caused by female pattern baldness.
  3. If you have a receding hairline that is being caused by male pattern baldness.
  4. If you like to wear your hair short, then NeoGraft FUE is a good choice. An FUT (strip) method hair transplant will leave a visible linear scar in the donor area. The NeoGraft FUE process doesn’t leave any visible scarring.

To determine whether you are a good candidate for a NeoGraft FUE procedure, contact the Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic today to schedule your consultation. We look forward to speaking with you soon about your hair restoration.

The Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic

59 Hayden St Suite 702,
Toronto, ON, M4Y 2P2, Canada

Phone: (647) 351-0061
Fax: (647) 343-0277

中文客服电话 (Mandarin Number Only)
(647) 930-0307

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