Toronto Women Deal With Hair Loss Too – Here’s How We Treat It
Is the amount of hair on your pillow normal? If you’ve ever asked yourself that in a panic, you may be a woman experiencing hair loss. For women in Toronto, this is a far more significant problem than many guess. Some studies suggest up to ½ all women have seen notable thinning or balding by the time they reach 50. In their lifetime, nearly 80% of men and roughly 50% of women will have reported substantial thinning.
You may be aware that losing between 50 and 100 hairs per day is entirely reasonable. It’s the natural hair growth and shedding cycle that we all have, and the strands you find in your brush or the shower each day need not cause alarm. If, however, you have a family history of female hair loss or you notice sudden, rapid fall out, you can seek help from a hair specialist. Take heart – there are solutions.
Women with hair loss in Toronto report that it interferes significantly with their daily lives, including confidence, self-esteem, and a sense of femininity. Though it is widespread, there is a commonly held belief that balding is a man’s issue. So when women have hair loss, it stands out.
If you’re suffering from this issue, know that you’re not alone. At the Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic, we treat women successfully with a variety of hair restoration methods. Read on to learn more.
Why do women suffer from hair loss?
The cause of women’s hair loss can be a little different than men. To be clear, hair breakage does not fall under this category; rather women hair loss means strands that fall out from the root. Known in the medical world as alopecia, losing hair for a variety of reasons is not unusual, but the hereditary type known as androgenic alopecia is most common for both sexes.
In females, the additional influence of female hormone shifts can cause somewhat sudden hair thinning. At two different occasions in a woman’s life, her hormones may lead to dramatic hair loss—pregnancy and menopause.
Androgenic alopecia for females is due to androgens, male hormones that we all have. The actions of these hormones are affected by pregnancy, ovarian cysts, certain birth control pills, and menopause.
When the balance of estrogen and testosterone shifts, hair can be a casualty
DHT, the dihydrotestosterone hormone, is also at least partly to blame for hair follicle miniaturization in women, just like men. Males tend to have much more testosterone, so in many cases they notice androgenic alopecia in higher numbers, more severely, and starting at a younger age.
The pattern of women hair thinning is also different. Men will usually see a receding hairline first with deepening widow’s peaks, then a growing bald spot. Instead, women with hair loss typically see evenly diffused thinning all over the head, making the scalp more visible throughout. The part may also widen if they wear their hair long.
Pre-determined genetics will cause more men to bald predictably, so that condition is often nicknamed male pattern baldness.
It’s not just genetics – more reasons women have hair loss
Women’s hair loss causes aren’t just hormonal. Physical and emotional stress have been known to trigger a type of hair loss called telogen effluvium. When a woman’s body experiences something traumatic like childbirth, major surgery, crash dieting, or extreme grief, it can impact her hair.
Roughly 90% of your hair is in the growing (anagen) and transitional (catagen) stages at any given time, but they can all shift suddenly to the resting (telogen) phase. It’s almost as if a woman’s system locks down on some functions while it attempts to preserve health and safety.
Traction alopecia refers to the sometimes temporary, sometimes long-term balding resulting from consistent tension on the hair. It’s due to tight hairstyles such as braids and weaves. While the hair may grow back after the pressure is relieved, in extreme cases the follicles are damaged and will no longer grow hair.
Some women find the unwanted and unpleasant side effect of starvation dieting is that the temporary malnutrition and stress to the system causes telogen effluvium. The good news is that once the stressor is removed and your health is recovered, these hairs do tend to grow back. Though it will take many months, the follicles will become active again, so no hair loss treatment is required.
Meet your hair transplant surgeon
Dr. Cory Torgerson is a nationally recognized cosmetic facial surgeon specializing in head and neck surgery. Certified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, he’s not only highly adept in the latest, innovative facial rejuvenation procedures, but in the industry’s most advanced hair restoration methods as well.
At our stylish Yorkville clinic, we’re pleased to offer the elite SmartGraft hair transplant system, which delivers consistently high hair graft take rates and incredibly natural results. Both men and women love this FUE (follicular unit extraction) option for hair transplant because it’s virtually scarless, and treatment can be completely customized. For this reason, FUE can be very useful for women with hair loss too.
Consultation with Dr. Torgerson
Thankfully, women with hair loss in Toronto are speaking up, so specialists and product developers are taking notice. Because the medical community now recognizes the prevalence of women’s hair loss, the word is getting out that there are real, practical options to help. If you suffer the psychological and emotional drawbacks of this problem and want help, your first step is to contact us and arrange an appointment with Dr. Torgerson. Your consultation will be private and confidential.
At the Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic, we strive to help everyone look and feel their best. Dr. Torgerson will listen to you, thoroughly assess your scalp and health picture, then share possible options. There’s likely to be more than one approach or a combined approach in some cases.
Before suggesting hair transplant surgery, it’s critical to understand the cause of the hair fallout. Because of multiple influencing factors, you may need to complete a test or two and answer some detailed questions to help us get you the most targeted care.
Sometimes illness and medications can cause women’s hair loss. Such common illnesses include thyroid disease, iron deficiency, and hormonal changes. Aside from these regular issues, immunosuppressive medications trigger hair loss, as will steroids. We’ll develop a complete picture of your situation to create a game plan that is safe and effective for you.
Let us help you get your luscious locks back
We’re happy to provide no-obligation consultations, because we believe that patients should feel invited to gather information and be informed about their options without any pressure. If you decide that you’d like to go ahead, we’ll continue to walk alongside you and support you on your transformative journey.
There are many possible treatments and interventions to help if you’re a woman experiencing hair loss. In Toronto, our clinic offers both surgical and non-invasive procedures that deliver excellent results. You don’t have to cover up or hide anymore. We’d love to meet you and discuss how we might create a plan to get you looking and feeling your beautiful best again. Contact us today, and let’s talk.