Years ago, hair transplant results might have looked unnatural or obvious at times. The technology and methods available in the early stages were not nearly as advanced or detailed as today. While wigs, hair systems, and hair growth shampoos have also flooded the market in recent years, most people want a one-time, permanent restoration of their natural hair.
A hair transplant might your best option if
- you don’t wish to camouflage your scalp or wear wigs or hats
- you’re seeking drug-free hair growth
- you’re willing to invest in your hair long-term
- you want to bring back the thicker, youthful hairline that you had
- you know that body positivity and self-esteem can be closely tied to how we look
Windsor Hair Transplant Clients Choose the Reputation of the THTC
At the THTC, we’re renowned for stunning hair transplant before and after results. However, we also have a glowing reputation for welcoming out-of-town guests and accommodating the busy schedules of our diverse clientele. Our sprawling, downtown Toronto clinic boasts 2 full-time hair procedure suites and numerous private suites for supportive therapies.
Our location provides convenient access to transit, plenty of parking, and world-class accommodations.
Windsor Hair Transplant: FUE Technology
FUE (follicular unit excision) is a minimally invasive and results-focused method of hair transplant surgery. Smart devices such as SmartGraft and NeoGraft allow skilled technicians to precisely extract follicles while preserving their health and reducing scalp trauma. That means a higher “take rate” with lasting transplant success and incredibly fast recovery times. Graft harvest sites are small (under 1 mm), so even short hairstyles conceal the tiny FUE scars, which look like dots dispersed strategically.
The procedure is so comfortable, our patients often remark that it was a relief to find the procedure day easy and enjoyable.
FUE Process
You will not need general anaesthetic for your hair transplant. Topical numbing agents and local anaesthetic keep you comfortable throughout. While our team works, you can scroll on your device, listen to music, and even nap!
We’ll shave a small area of your scalp where DHT-resistant follicles grow (typically, low at the back). Small groups of a few follicles are removed, and then the delicate grafts are inserted at strategic angles and patterns to mirror your natural hair growth where you want it.
Patients with short hairstyles can have a pre-haircut to blend in the donor area while healing. Recovery time is just 7 to 10 days, and you’ll be advised to make temporary adjustments like avoiding the gym, swimming pools, and direct pressure. Our patients can usually disguise their healing so they can keep their hair transplant discreet.
The best way to prepare for a hair transplant is to be ready with plenty of patience! That’s because the natural hair growth cycle can’t be rushed. You’ll need to wait 3 months to see new growth. The full results typically come in around 12 months.
A hair transplant can be the best investment in yourself. Real, healthy, stylable hair to run your fingers through will be worth the wait.