Hair Restoration Surgery: Challenges And Solutions

Hair Restoration Surgery

Once you have made the decision to schedule a hair replacement surgery in Toronto, you may still find that you are wary of complications that could arise. As with any surgery, there is always the possibility of issues. However, not only does the FUE NeoGraft method minimize those complications significantly, the qualified staff at the Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic offer preventive treatments and effective solutions.

Will I Experience Any Pain?

Neograft technology

With the development of NeoGraft technology, the extraction of hair follicles is significantly less painful than previous methods, where strips of scalp would be removed to harvest the grafts. By suctioning out the follicles rather than having to make large incisions, FUE, using NeoGraft, ensures that downtime for healing is reduced. Indeed, this procedure is completed with local anaesthetic and enables the patient to return to work the following day. To maintain the patient’s comfort during the healing process, pain medication can be prescribed as needed.

Hair Restoration Toronto

What If I Don’t See Results?

For some people, it can be worrisome to see a lack of results within the first few weeks following the procedure. Indeed, at that junction, the patient may even notice that their transplanted hair is “shedding”. This is quite typical and, though distressing, simply signifies that the transplanted hairs are moving into a transition phase. Generally, within 3 or 4 months, new hair growth will begin at the transplant site. At the 6- to 7-month mark, the patient can expect to notice the hair filling in favourably. Furthermore, the patient can anticipate full results approximately 9 months to 1 year after their hair restoration has taken place.

Surgical Risks

FUE Neograft Hair Replacement System

Due to the minimally invasive nature of the FUE NeoGraft procedure, the risk of infection following surgery is reduced substantially. In addition to required pain medication, antibiotics are prescribed as a preemptive measure to circumvent possible infection.

A development that may alarm some patients is the formation of one or more cysts in the transplant area. Typically, they are the size of a small pimple and are not permanent. They tend to disappear after a few weeks or so. On rare occasions, some patients may experience numbness in the recipient or donor area, though should it occur, it does disappear in a few weeks or months. As well, there may be slight swelling immediately following the procedure, and it may last for a very short time. Generally, it will rapidly decrease within days. Finally, minor bleeding at both the donor and recipient areas is common and will usually take the form of tiny spots. This can be remedied by simply applying some light pressure to the areas in question.

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Hair Restoration Toronto

The Solutions

That We Offer

When we perform hair replacement surgery in Toronto, our clinic strives to provide our patients with preventive measures that speed healing and make the overall process as comfortable as possible. With a hair transplant package, we include a pre/post formula, which is designed to reduce or alleviate recovery symptoms such as swelling by promoting healthy skin.

Additionally, our aftercare package consists of 3 products that soothe any itching that may occur, allow the patient to clean their hair without disturbing the transplanted grafts, and further speed up the healing process.

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The Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic

59 Hayden St Suite 702,
Toronto, ON, M4Y 2P2, Canada

Phone: (647) 351-0061
Fax: (647) 343-0277

中文客服电话 (Mandarin Number Only)
(647) 930-0307

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