Case Study Questions – Female Hair Loss

We see thousands of patients who are dealing with hair loss of all types. The most effective way of restoring hair that is lost by the most common form of hair loss, known as androgenic alopecia, is by having an FUE (follicular unit extraction) hair transplant. We also offer PRP (platelet-rich plasma therapy) treatments and cold laser treatments (Theradome Pro) to help stimulate the growth of all the hair follicles that remain. Both of these treatments work in different ways to help the hair grow in as healthy as possible. The new hairs will be thick and full and not damaged by the effects of miniaturization or thinning. Below we asked one of our patients some questions about her experience with female hair loss and her successful FUE hair transplant.
We also offer our patients other hair loss solutions, depending on their needs and level of hair loss. A popular option is SMP (scalp micropigmentation). SMP is a semi-permanent hair tattoo that works to create the illusion of a shaved head. It is also helpful in adding the illusion of fuller hair in areas that are thinning.
Maintaining Healthy Hair
To help maintain healthy hair, we also recommend that our patients use the Revivogen MD brand of shampoo and conditioner as well as the Scalp Therapy spray. The Bio-Cleansing shampoo works to cleanse the surface area of DHT (dihydrotestosterone). The DHT hormone is responsible for killing the hair follicles in the areas that are affected by male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia).
Some patients just want to be able to camouflage the areas of thinning. We suggest that they use the hair fibres that we offer at the Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic. The SureThik brand is great for adding density to thin areas. We also offer an application for eyebrows.
We also highly recommend that every male patient who is dealing with hair loss takes the prescription medication finasteride (Propecia). This once-a-day tablet will remove the hair-killing DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) from your body and therefore drastically reduce the level of hair loss.
We have helped a lot of people restore their hair over the years, and we love to hear from them and how the new and improved hair has changed their lives. We like to take the time to ask our patients for their feedback and if they have any suggestions on how we can continue to be the best hair transplant clinic.
We asked the following questions to a female patient who came to the Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic looking for solutions to overall thinning and female pattern baldness that was passed on from both her mom’s and dad’s sides of the family. She was only 28 years old and already was ranked as a Savin II-1 on the Savin scale for female hair loss.
Side Note:
Since the first hair transplant, I have also had a rhinoplasty with Dr. Cory Torgerson and couldn’t be more pleased with those results too. Everyone that works for Dr. Torgerson is always amazing and really makes me feel like a part of the family every time I see them. I think everyone should make Dr. Torgerson and the Hair Transplant Clinic their first and only stop if they need a hair transplant or any facial cosmetic procedure.