Is a Hair Transplant in Toronto Safe, and Will It Last?
Is it safe to undergo a hair transplant in Toronto? Will my results last? These are likely the two most commonly asked questions that any hair surgeon is asked. They’re also smart questions.
You may be aware that an FUE hair transplant in Toronto is a significant cosmetic procedure, and it comes with a substantial price tag. You’re right to ask whether the investment of your time and money will deliver results that you love in the long run.
In this article, we’ll outline safety concerns, how you can avoid risks, and what to expect regarding the longevity of your restoration procedure. There are critical choices that you can make before you’ve even had your hair transplant that will help ensure success. We’ll also share what you can do afterward to secure your investment and enjoy your new locks for a long time.
How are hair transplants in Toronto done?
There are 2 primary methods that most Toronto hair transplant clinics use today. They are FUE (follicular unit extraction, or excision) and FUT (follicular unit transplant, also called FUSS). Of the two, FUE hair transplants are becoming the procedure of choice for most men and women, as this method can deliver nearly scarless results and reduced recovery time.
Unlike the FUT method (also called the “strip method”), you will not have a long piece of scalp excised from the back of your head. That was the standard approach for many years, and it’s still in use. But as you can imagine, the drawbacks related to a large incision include safety, discomfort, and scarring concerns. For people who are good candidates, the modern FUE transplant approach is preferable. Here’s how it’s done:
Using digitally or robotically assisted equipment to guide graft selection and maintain efficiency, a small rotary punch tool operated by the surgeon extracts follicle units one by one. The donor hairs are harvested for transplant from the same places that FUT donor strips are taken; that is the back and sides of the scalp, where DHT-resistant, resilient hairs grow. Those hairs don’t fall out even when a person experiences significant balding at the crown and hairline. Because these follicles naturally resist the DHT hormone that is primarily responsible for male pattern baldness, when they’re moved to their new location, their take rate is quite successful—over 90% in most cases.
Say goodbye to fake-looking hair transplant results
In the past, picturing a hair transplant Toronto often brought to mind unnatural-looking hair plugs planted at the top of the head in a way that shouted: “I had a hair transplant!” Today it is possible to have permanent and super realistic-looking restoration because of advanced hair transplant techniques.
Choose a safer hair transplant
FUE allows for small, naturally occurring groupings of follicles to be moved with a little of their surrounding scalp tissue, not a whole strip of scalp. These micro-units leave only small shallow holes in the donor area. The FUE device removes grafts that are 1 mm or less in diameter. What does that mean for safety? Openings this small don’t require stitches. They close fast — within a few days — and the chance for infection, bleeding, or other complications is greatly reduced.
It’s also far more convenient for patients to heal fast with no stitches and get back to their busy lives. FUT incisions take 2 weeks or longer to heal, whereas the FUE sites close in a few days and people return to work after just 1 week in many cases. The aftercare required to keep incisions sites clean and safe is simple after an FUE hair transplant in Toronto.
Thanks to impressive advances, your results can look so natural that your barber won’t be able to tell you had anything done.
Results depend on a couple of things: the surgeon you select and your care while healing. All Toronto hair transplant patients are provided with detailed instructions to keep the treatment area clean and healing optimally. However, the outcomes still depend primarily on the individual surgeon’s techniques. We recommend that you choose a surgeon who understands the various types of hair loss and customizes their hair transplant treatments for each patient. The surgeon and their staff need plenty of hands-on experience, because it’s through doing multiple procedures that they will have developed the skill to create natural-looking results and make them last.
A surgeon must think ahead for each patient and plan interventions that will not just look good for a year or two, but continue to age well and maximize the hair a person has.
FUE Toronto Consultation
If you have questions about your available options for hair restoration, we’d love to meet you. Contact the THTC and set up a no-obligation consultation with Dr. Cory Torgerson, Toronto hair transplant specialist.
Whether you need help to preserve the hair you have or you need a safe, permanent restoration procedure, you can trust the expertise and dedicated, personalized care at Dr. Torgerson’s clinic. Contact us today and get started.