Candidates For Hair Transplant

Are You A Good Candidate?

What We Look For

If you are considering a hair transplant surgery, you should also know what makes a patient a good candidate for the procedure, as hair transplants are not always the proper solution for every single hair loss sufferer.

Patients that do make good candidates for hair transplants are in most cases also suitable for NeoGraft FUE surgery after they have confirmed that they meet the following requirements;

First thing that is pretty important is Good Health: If you are currently experiencing any kind of health problem, please notify Dr. Torgerson so that he can make the right decision for your health.

We will also need to make sure that there is Adequate Donor Density: Due to the limited amount of hair that can be used for transplants which is taken from the back and sides of the scalp, the donor area density and extent are extremely necessary.

Are you the Proper Age? Hair transplants should be avoided at very young ages. Men and women at a young age are more likely to be advised to follow a hair loss treatment such as Propecia or Rogaine to combat hair loss and also invigorate and strengthen their hair. Hair transplantation is an option for the future, at the right timing and under the proper indications.

We also make sure that you have the Proper Hair Type and Texture: If your hair type is normal or thick and your texture straight or slightly curly, you are an ideal candidate for FUE.

Hair Transplant Candidate

What Should I Be Aware Of?

Things You Should Consider During Hair Transplant

Dr. Torgerson will evaluate your hair loss pattern, your donor area potential, and your hair quality characteristics to make sure that you have a great hair transplant result. Each patient case is different, even when you are doing the exact same number of follicular units, so you should be aware of your potential and what you can expect from your hair transplant.

As results will vary from patient to patient, you should be fully informed of the options you have in hair loss treatment as well as the methods that would be more effective and appropriate for your case. Regarding FUE, Dr. Torgerson will estimate the number of grafts that he is able to extract from your donor area, and he can then also make a reliable estimate for the growth of your hair loss pattern.

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The Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic

59 Hayden St Suite 702,
Toronto, ON, M4Y 2P2, Canada

Phone: (647) 351-0061
Fax: (647) 343-0277

中文客服电话 (Mandarin Number Only)
(647) 930-0307

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