The Rise Of The Beard Transplant: Facial Hair Transplant Procedure

What Is A Facial Hair Transplant?

Beard Transplant

In the last few years, facial hair has experienced a great surge in popularity. It has driven many men to want to grow beards, sideburns, goatees, or moustaches. However, due to genetics or scarring, it is not uncommon for some men to be unable to naturally grow the facial hair that they are satisfied with. Consequently, beard transplant procedures are growing in popularity as a solution to this issue.

A facial hair transplant, or beard transplant, is similar to any other common hair restoration you may receive in Toronto because it uses a hair grafting procedure to help men grow facial hair naturally.

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Are You A Candidate For A Facial Hair Transplant?

Not every patient is well suited for a facial hair transplant. Patients should be in good general health and should have either no hair or thin or patchy facial hair in the area where they want to receive a beard transplant. Healthy hair follicles from other areas of the face and head that are growing normally or in abundance are harvested and transplanted onto the location where hair is struggling to grow. The result is natural facial hair that can be trimmed, shaped, or styled as the patient chooses.

How Is It Performed?

Facial Hair Transplant

During an assessment, potential donor hair locations are determined by identifying the areas where hair growth is the healthiest, such as the sides and back of the head. Prior to committing to the procedure, the expectations, risk, and recovery process are also discussed to ensure that the patient understands every aspect of the procedure and what to expect before, during, and after their surgery.

The follicles must first be extracted from the donor site. Once they are prepared for the transplant, they are placed as they would naturally occur on the area of the face that is receiving the transplant. This includes focusing on both the angle from which the hair would naturally grow as well as the density for the average amount of facial hair.

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What To Expect

After A Facial Hair Transplant

The site of the donor hair and the new facial hair area will be sore following the beard transplant. Medications and antibiotics are typically prescribed to ease any discomfort that may be experienced within the first few days as well as to reduce potential swelling. Most men can return to work after a few days, but the site of the new hair may be red and irritated.

One notable part of the hair transplant procedure is that the newly transplanted hair will begin to shed within a few weeks. However, although it is disconcerting when it occurs, know that it will grow back like normal from freshly anchored healthy hair follicles. Within a few months, the hair will behave completely normally and will continue to grow.

Discuss Available Options

Meet Your Goals

Hair restoration at our clinic in Toronto is one of the best ways to guarantee natural and permanent facial hair where it was not able to grow before. To learn more about this treatment or to book a consultation with a leading expert in hair transplant procedures, we invite you to contact us today at (647)351-0061. Dr. Torgerson can answer any questions and concerns you may have and discuss the options available for you to meet your specific goals.

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The Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic

59 Hayden St Suite 702,
Toronto, ON, M4Y 2P2, Canada

Phone: (647) 351-0061
Fax: (647) 343-0277

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