Taking a Closer Look at Your Hair
Over the last few decades, hair restoration techniques have evolved drastically. Through the innovations of hair restoration specialists, hair transplant surgical techniques have led to a much more refined and aesthetically pleasing result from a hair transplant procedure.
One of the main contributing factors to the progress in hair transplantation is scientific research in the physical and chemical makeup of hair. Through biochemical research, we have been able to discover more about the biomolecular and hormonal indicators that are responsible for the stimulation of both hair loss as well as hair growth. While some scientists were focused on the biochemical makeup of hair, other scientists were learning more and more about the actual physical traits of hair.
Through the examination of hair fibres using sophisticated chemical analysis and very powerful microscopes, scientists have discovered even more about the very complex composition of hair. Even better, scientists have learned about the unique properties that differentiate hair into “ethnic” categories. Ultimately, based on the slight differences in all hair types, it can be said that all hair structure could be classified as ethnic. The 3 most common types of ethnic hair categories are African, Asian, and Caucasian. The differences between these 3 different types of hair are moderate when compared to the differences between human hairs and animal hairs. Nevertheless, it is quite common that these 3 types of ethnic backgrounds tend to have the most differences. These differences will always play a big part in creating a strategy for a patient’s hair restoration plan.
These are some of the ethnic differences that were also discovered through this microscopic exam:
– Asian hair appears to be larger in diameter and shaped in a more circular fashion when compared to the other ethnic types. African hair is more oval-shaped and has a varying range of shapes.
– Asian hair is typically very straight and coarse. African hair generally shows more curling or twisting. Caucasian hair varies, but is usually fairly straight with very few irregularities in shape.
When transplanting hairs, it is important to understand the differences of hair and to use that as an advantage when creating a hair restoration plan.