No Hair Loss During Chemotherapy?
Hair loss is just a part of getting chemotherapy treatment. For most people, it is a big part of why they do not want to undergo a procedure that could possibly save their life. But now there is a new patented product out called the DigniCap that could change all of that. This new technology uses a method of keeping the scalp cool during and after a chemotherapy treatment. The DigniCap has shown great and proven results on hair growth and, even better . . . the lack of loss!
It is expected that most people will lose some or all of their hair during the chemotherapy process. For almost everyone, this hair loss adds to an already stressful and traumatic experience. For men, this can be a fairly traumatic experience. But for women, this can be utterly devastating. What makes this even worse is that current statistics show that almost 1 out of 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their life. This is the most common cancer diagnosis in women. Chemotherapy is the best treatment to beat this disease. However, many breast cancer survivors are left feeling traumatized by their treatment, and they are constantly reminded of their experience when they look at their bald head in the mirror. So doctors and scientists decided to develop different methods to overcome this issue. One such method is scalp cooling.
The method of scalp cooling to save hair growth has been around for a while. What the Swedish company Dignitana did though is develop a better, simpler technique to cool the scalp. Dignitana is the company that makes the DigniCap.
Once the patient’s head is cooled, the blood vessels that are found in the scalp will constrict. When the blood flow to the follicles slows down, so will the metabolism of these hair follicles. The cap is connected to a control unit that houses a compressor and is operated via a touchscreen. The operation of this unit is very user-friendly and has simple and clear symbols on the touchscreen that are easy to follow. An alarm is also triggered if the temperature begins to deviate from the set temperature.
It’s a very simple solution to an issue that has made an already traumatic experience even more emotionally painful and heartbreaking.