Day 5 Video Blog
Video Blog
I made a little video documentary to be able to have a recorded history of what you can expect in the first week after the NeoGraft FUE Hair Transplant procedure. This is Day 5 of the process, June 13, 2016.
I have done my best in these following videos to present the facts as well as the expectations as legitimately and truthfully as possible. I hope that every one of our potential hair transplant patients will be able to benefit from this in some way.
Day 5
The best part of Day 5 was feeling my hair start to grow back in. I could also feel that the transplanted hairs started to grow a bit as well. (This, of course, did not last long, and as I was told ahead of time, most of the transplanted hairs got “spit out” by about week 2. THEY WILL RE-GROW in about Month 3. )
It was still a great feeling to feel those areas that used be fairly thin and get a little sneak peak of what I could expect once the cycle had made its way around to the re-growth phase. The hair that was already growing back in the donor area as well as the healing that was already complete back there was amazing. The healing phase is probably the most noticeable by Day 5.
HairMedica Copper-K Aftercare
In the Day 5 video, I also really wanted to cover the HairMedica CopperK 3-pack of aftercare products that we supply post-procedure. These products really do make a difference with your post-op care.
Shampoo Spray
The shampoo spray was a big focus on this day, because by the time that you are able to finally wash your hair (wait at least 48 hours), it has gotten pretty greasy. So it feels amazing to be able to wash it. The technique that I demonstrate in this video is just the way that worked best for me. Do whatever is the easiest for you when you use it, just don’t put any direct pressure on the grafts.
Scalp Cream
The scalp cream is also a necessity at least twice a day. Apply it once when you get up and once before you go to bed to the donor area as well as the transplant sites. This will help keep the scabs moist and will allow them to fall off naturally, leaving no scabbing or marks.
Also, you will love to have the calming spray at your disposal because things get pretty itchy on Day 5. Use the calming spray as much as you need. It definitely helped for me.
Hair Starts To Grow Back
So overall for Day 5, you are still going to have swelling. (Using the 14-day Pre/Post formula will help take down the swelling though.) You are going to really appreciate having your HairMedica CopperK 3 pack for your post-op week. Hair is going to really start to show that it is growing back. Time to start planning your next haircut. (But also keep in mind that your transplanted hair will not truly start to grow in until the third to sixth month.