Day 2 Video Blog
Video Blog
I made a little video documentary to be able to have a recorded history of what you can expect in the first week after the NeoGraft FUE hair transplant procedure. This is Day 2 of the process, June 10, 2016.
I have done my best in these following videos to present the facts as well as the expectations as legitimately and truthful as possible. I hope that every one of our potential hair transplant patients will be able to benefit from this in some way.
Day 2
On the second day, I didn’t have a whole lot to report. The procedure went very well, and I was already starting to see the healing process begin on the donor site.
I did have a bit of a headache and felt a little lethargic and worn out. It was really nothing that a few extra-strength Advil, my prescriptions, and some rest didn’t take care of though.
I did spend most of the day on the couch or in bed. However, I was feeling good enough to drive that morning, and I did drive from downtown Toronto to my in-laws’ house about an hour and a half away.
Get Rest
As you can see from the video, the surgery is really nothing too invasive, and you could basically go about your business the very next day. I know of at least one person that did exactly that, although I personally wouldn’t recommend it. It’s probably best to just take the week or so and make sure that you get the rest that you want and not have to worry about doing anything to irritate the donor and transplant areas.
Professional Haircuts
As I am sure you can also see, the haircut that I received at the time was also not that flattering. But because I had to sport that stupid haircut for two weeks, nobody after me will need to suffer. The Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic has now partnered with Miami Fades to make sure that all of their patients will receive a professional pre-surgery “fade” haircut. That way the technicians can still have the necessary donor area shaved for them to get access to the individual follicles that will be used to transplant, while you still look great in the process.
Take Medication
It is also important that you remember to take the prescriptions and medications that you are given. They will help with the healing process as well as take down the swelling.
So overall for Day 2, plan on just resting for the entire day. You will feel some swelling and a headache. You will need to take all of your medications and follow the post-op instructions that you were given. Try to avoid any direct contact with your grafts and be very careful not to do anything within the first 48 hours especially to irritate the transplant area.
This Day 2 video is also a great way for everyone to have a first-hand look at what kind of results you can expect the day after your surgery.