Here at The Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic, we offer discreet and personal consultations to go over the details of the process with you and establish the best course of action for treating your hair loss. During this consultation, you can expect the following:
NeoGraft Hair Transplant Timeline
By Dr. Cory Torgerson

For the first part of the day, you will be face-down on the bed while we take or “harvest” the donor follicles from the back of your head. Once this is done, the follicles are counted to make sure that we have the exact amount needed to have the most successful outcome for your particular case. For the remainder of the day, the “harvested” follicles are then strategically placed into the transplant area. A surgery day will normally last about 8 to 9 hours and will start at 8:00 a.m. most of the time.
Healing and Shedding Period
For the first part of the day, you will be face-down on the bed while we take or “harvest” the donor follicles from the back of your head. Once this is done, the follicles are counted to make sure that we have the exact amount needed to have the most successful outcome for your particular case. For the remainder of the day, the “harvested” follicles are then strategically placed into the transplant area.
A surgery day will normally last about 8 to 9 hours and will start at 8:00 a.m. most of the time.
Once the surgery is done, the healing process will begin. For this part of the phase, you will have some scabbing, a little bleeding, and possibly some swelling. All of these are very typical and nothing to worry about. This is also the part where you will need to take extra caution around the transplant areas and grafts to allow them to become firmly planted.
This immediate healing process will usually last one week to 10 days.
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New Baby Hair
Phase I
Here is where the good stuff starts! At some point during Month 3 to Month 6, you will start to regrow little “baby hairs” from those transplanted follicles. This is where you will just start to see the fruits of your labours. This part of the process will generally happen between months 3 and 6.
New Hair Growth
Phase II
Now here is where you can really start to see the growth of your transplanted hairs. Those places that a few months back were bald or thinning are now starting to fill in quite nicely. This part of the process will typically start to happen at around 6 months.
Get in touch with us
Schedule a consultation today!
The Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic
Toronto, ON, M4Y 2P2, Canada
Phone: (647) 351-0061
Fax: (647) 343-0277
中文客服电话 (Mandarin Number Only)
(647) 930-0307