Is A Hair Transplant Worth It?

Is Hair Transplant Worth It?

Hair Transplant Procedure

Before deciding to undergo hair transplant surgery in Toronto, men and women alike most often weigh the overall cost of the procedure against its many benefits in order to discern whether or not the procedure is ultimately worth it. For some people, researching this can be incredibly time-consuming and, in some cases, quite overwhelming, as there are countless sources for information with varying degrees of reliability scattered across the Internet. Additionally, many would prefer not to commit to anything, even a consultation, until gathering at least a few facts.

It is, therefore, entirely understandable that one would choose to refrain from making a final decision until they feel secure in the knowledge they have acquired. In so noting this, we at The Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic are diligent in providing accurate, forthright information to both patients and potential patients alike.

Hair Transplant Toronto

Marked Boost To Self-Confidence

Perhaps the most universal nontangible outcome of undergoing hair replacement surgery in Toronto is the way the results can make a patient feel. Generally, the most common reason for both men and women to inquire about hair transplantation is the change to their self-esteem once hair loss has become an issue. Hair transplant can add a much more youthful appearance, leaving the patient much more comfortable with their looks, and for many, this is reason enough for the investment.

Eliminate Hair Concerns

Professional Life Can Improve

Following the procedure, some patients who have had hair transplants may notice that their careers see a substantial improvement. That boost to self-confidence becomes a great factor in how an individual carries themselves in day-to-day life, and it easily extends to how one conducts themselves within a business environment, whether consciously or not.

Thus, when considering the cost of hair transplant surgery, it is always good to examine these benefits, as it is an expenditure that could have financial returns. What was most likely once a daily routine – styling hair to conceal thinning areas or treating hair loss with topical treatments or oral supplements – is no longer a concern. A hair transplant is considered permanent, as all the migrated hairs, once properly rooted, continuously grow because they are healthy hair follicles. This, therefore, eliminates much of the stress associated with simply getting ready to leave the house.

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Hair Transplant Toronto


Is Negligible

Another concern that patients have is possible scarring on the scalp, which is a telltale sign of hair replacement. Previous methods for hair transplant surgery in Toronto often resulted in scars which, in some cases, could be quite noticeable. However, in more modern times and with the progression of technology, we are able to provide patients with a method that ensures that any scarring, if at all present, will not be noticeable whatsoever. Indeed, through the FUE NeoGraft method of follicle migration, old processes that required a recognizable strip of hair to be removed from the back of the scalp are no longer necessary, and follicles can now be collected in small groupings throughout the back and sides of the scalp. This results in much smaller “harvest” areas, fewer recovery complications, and no linear scarring.

Procedure And Recovery

Are Simple

Unlike other cosmetic procedures, a hair transplant is a much less invasive procedure, and patients can generally return to work the next day if they so desire. Following the surgery, redness and swelling tends to diminish within a week and, as earlier noted, the recovery process is commonly complication-free. This means that if the patient chooses not to return to work or social activities immediately after surgery, the time they do take off is quite minimal. To learn more about the benefits and methods of hair replacement surgery in Toronto, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Torgerson at the Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic: (647)351-0061.

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The Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic

59 Hayden St Suite 702,
Toronto, ON, M4Y 2P2, Canada

Phone: (647) 351-0061
Fax: (647) 343-0277

中文客服电话 (Mandarin Number Only)
(647) 930-0307

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