Wash your hair the day before surgery with your regular shampoo, the same as you normally would.
Make sure to eat a good breakfast, as medications will be given throughout the day that can disagree with an empty stomach, this includes an antibiotic and a sedative.
Wear a button down shirt or something easily removable.
Please arrive at the office no later than 7:45 am. In the event that you may require medication it is preferred that you be dropped off and picked up after your procedure.
Complete your medical questionnaire and sign your consent forms before the surgery begins.
Please review and follow the recommendations for foods and herbal supplements that should be avoided prior to surgery as they contain aspirin like (blood thinning) qualities and can complicate the surgery.
Pre-operative photos will be taken for your chart only unless other arrangements have been made.
Please consider what hairstyle you will wear for your procedure. The donor site will need to be shaven down to skin level. A short haircut will allow others to see you have had surgery vs. a long haircut will enable us to comb your hair over the donor site and provide some camouflage.