Hair Transplants And What Should You Know Before Making A Decision

Hair Transplants

What You Should Know

The decision to undergo a hair restoration surgery in Toronto can seem like an overwhelming choice. There are indeed many options to consider, but being informed will guide patients in making the optimal decisions regarding their hair transplant procedure so that their expectations will be matched or even exceeded.

Many people may think that there aren’t any solutions to prevent, halt, or repair hair loss, but this is not true. There are many creams, ointments, and medications available on the market that can prevent hair from falling out. Unfortunately, many of these do come with side effects and offer limited effectiveness. In essence, at the moment there is no proven cure for hair loss, although researchers are currently studying biosciences to determine a cure for alopecia.

Hair Transplant Toronto

Choosing Where To Get The Procedure

One of the biggest considerations when making the final decisions in regards to your procedure is finding an established hair transplant clinic in Toronto that has the experience and skill to produce a natural and healthy result. This can involve research and referrals. One of the most important considerations is finding a qualified professional who has completed many hair transplant procedures and has a large number of satisfied clients. It is also recommended that patients look at before and after pictures to see what has been accomplished for other patients.

FUT & FUE Differences

Side Effects Of FUE

When patients are researching hair transplant procedures, they typically come across the 2 most common methods for hair restoration in Toronto: FUT, which stands for follicular unit transfer, and FUE, otherwise known as follicular unit extraction. The FUT method involves taking a strip of hair from the back of the scalp so that it can be harvested for hair follicles.

Conversely, the FUE method commonly employs a device such as NeoGraft to harvest individual follicles containing 1 to 4 hairs. Many say that this produces a more natural result and is often preferred, as there is no permanent linear scarring on the back of the head. Fortunately, there are very few side effects for an FUE hair transplant surgery. Most commonly, patients might experience some redness as well as swelling, scabbing, tingling, or numbness, but most of these effects clear up within a week. The treatment itself does not cause discomfort, and any pain is managed during and after the procedure with sedatives and painkillers.

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Hair Transplant Toronto

Set Realistic Goals

What To Expect

The technology that has made hair transplants possible has come a very long way, and many men and women achieve results that meet their expectations beautifully. However, there is only so much healthy donor hair available for individuals who have experienced severe hair loss, and the hairs are transplanted in groups of 1 to 4 in a single follicle. For most candidates, dramatic improvements can be made, but it is also important to discuss this matter during the consultation process to know what to expect in terms of the final outcome before committing to the procedure.

Hair Restoration Services

Book An Assessment

To learn more about our hair restoration services in Toronto, we invite you to contact our clinic to book an assessment with Dr. Torgerson. This is the best way to learn more about the treatment and to have your questions answered by a qualified professional firsthand. We can be reached through our website at or via phone at (647)351-0061.

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Get in touch with us

Schedule a consultation today!

The Toronto Hair Transplant Clinic

59 Hayden St Suite 702,
Toronto, ON, M4Y 2P2, Canada

Phone: (647) 351-0061
Fax: (647) 343-0277

中文客服电话 (Mandarin Number Only)
(647) 930-0307

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