
Using FUE Hair Transplant Technology to Repair Scars

FUE Hair Transplant Technology

Several patients have come to us in the hopes of repairing and disguising previous scars in the scalp. The most common scarring that we see is in patients who have had previous FUT (strip method) procedures, where the patient has been left with a linear scar from ear to ear at the back of the head. Some FUT scars are not too bad, but we have seen some horrible scars that we needed to repair using FUE hair transplant technology.

We have also had a few patients who had large areas of scarring from childhood incidents. They had previously not known that those scars could be repaired using the SmartGraft or NeoGraft technology of FUE hair transplantation.

For most people, we can successfully “fix” those scars using the SmartGraft or NeoGraft technology and performing an FUE hair transplant on these areas. Deciding which method is the best for the FUE hair transplant is based on a few factors. Either NeoGraft or SmartGraft technologies can be used.


NeoGraft or SmartGraft

What factors are taken into consideration before using the NeoGraft or SmartGraft FUE hair transplant technologies to repair scars?

The thickness of the scar will play a large part in deciding whether you will be able to get an FUE hair transplant to repair an old scar or not. The size of the scar will also determine the potential success rate.

The larger the scar, the lower the success rate will be of removing the old scar tissue and growing new transplanted hairs.

One of the processes that we use to stimulate and promote growth in these cases is to “core” out the scar tissue using the same punch that is used with any SmartGraft or NeoGraft FUE hair transplant when we are removing the follicular grafts from the donor area. By removing this scar tissue, we are allowing the area of the scar to shrink as it heals.

PRP (platelet-rich plasma therapy) is also very effective in stimulating new hair growth. We almost always encourage our patients to include a PRP treatment with their FUE hair transplant.

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PRP treatment with their FUE hair transplant

On the other hand, a scar can be so thin that it will reject new hair follicles. Some of these severe scars can be challenging when transplanting hairs into them because there is too much atrophy or damage in that area. We make sure we check these scars before starting to treat them.

The best way to check a scar to see if it will be successful after a transplant is to check for a blood supply. Good blood flow is what will help a transplanted graft to grow and be successful. In most cases, if we can get a good supply of blood in an area, we can usually expect the FUE hair transplant to be successful.

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